XI Crakow Conference of Financial Mathematics
Conference Statute
§1 General provisions
- XI Cracow Conference of Financial Mathematics, which is held under the auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the AGH University of Science and Technology, dr hab. Jerzy Stochel, prof. AGH, hereinafter referred to as the Conference or Event, takes place on April 14-15, 2023.
- The Organizer of the Conference is the Scientific Circle of Financial Modeling of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, hereinafter referred to as the Organizer or KNMF, in cooperation with the Foundation for AGH.
- The official website of the Conference can be found at www.knmf.agh.edu.pl.
- The purpose of the Conference is the scientific development of the Participants, the popularization of selected areas of financial mathematics and its practical applications, as well as the promotion of the KNMF, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the AGH University of Science and Technology and the AGH University of Science and Technology.
§2 Rules of participation
- Only adults may participate in the Conference.
- The participants of the Conference are students, doctoral students of universities studying mathematics, applied mathematics, economics, finance, banking and related fields, graduates of these fields, people interested in the subject of the Conference, representatives of the Sponsors and Guests invited by the Organizer.
- A prerequisite for participation in the Conference is sending an application, i.e. filling in the registration form on the Conference website within the time limit specified by the Organizer and receiving confirmation of registration in the form of an email. From the moment of receiving confirmation of registration, the person becomes a Participant.
- Sending an application for participation in the Conference is tantamount to acceptance of the provisions of these Regulations and the Participant’s commitment to comply with them.
- Participation in the Event may be active (as a speaker) or passive (as a listener).
- Graduates may participate in the conference only as listeners.
- Applications for passive participation in the Conference will be accepted from March 10, 2023 to April 13, 2023 (inclusive).
- The Organizer reserves the right to extend the time for registration of Participants.
- In the case of the number of applications exceeding the organizational capacity, the decision criterion for their acceptance is the order of applications. In this case, the Organizer has the right to close the registration earlier, about which he informs the Participants via the Conference website.
- The Organizer has the right to exclude from further participation in the Event a Participant whose behavior disturbs the peaceful course of the Conference or poses a threat to other Participants.
§3 The course of the conference
- The place of the Conference is the AGH Didactics Center (the U2 building of the AGH campus at 7 Władysława Reymonta Street in Cracow).
- The conference is conducted in Polish and English.
- It is strictly forbidden to bring food and flavored beverages, with the exception of water, into the lecture hall.
- Participants are obliged to comply with the current guidelines of the State Sanitary Inspector and sanitary regulations in force at the University.
- During the Event, it is forbidden to record its course on external media and make publicly available speeches and the content of the presented papers.
- The organizer has the right to make the speech or the content of the delivered paper publicly available if the prior written consent of its author is obtained.
§ 4 Personal data and image
- The participant agrees to the processing of his personal data by the Organizer in the electronic application form and image.
§5 Final Provisions
- The Organizer reserves the right to change the Regulations, about which he immediately informs the Participants on the website of the Event.
- The Organizer has the right to refuse entry to the Conference area to persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- The Organizer is not responsible for any damage caused by the Participants in the venue of the Event.
- Contact with the Organizer is possible via the e-mail address xi-kkmf@agh.edu.pl.
- In the place where the Conference is held, during the entire period of its duration, it is forbidden to conduct any promotional and profit-making activity without prior obtaining the appropriate consent from the Organizers.
- The Organizer is not responsible for items lost, damaged or stolen during the Conference.
- The Organizer reserves the exclusive right to interpret the provisions of these Regulations.
- Matters not covered by these Regulations shall be settled by the Organizer.